Desigualdades climáticas: impactos y responsabilidades de los eventos meteorológicos extremos.
Aguado, M. & del Viso, N. (coords.) (2022). Desigualdades climáticas: impactos y responsabilidades de los eventos meteorológicos extremos. Colección Dosieres Ecosociales, FUHEM Ecosocial, Madrid. ISSN: 2660-8472.
Informe ecosocial sobre calidad de vida en España. Balance, tendencias y desafíos. FUHEM, Madrid.
Álvarez Cantalapiedra, S., Aguado, M., Di Donato, M., del Viso, N., Lomas, P., & Fernández Herrero, S. (2023). Informe ecosocial sobre calidad de vida en España. Balance, tendencias y desafíos. FUHEM, Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-95801-86-9.
Socioenvironmental conflicts
Interview for the program El Paraninfo of the UNL public television channel (Litus TV) in which three members of Speak4Nature participated
Interview for the program El Paraninfo of the UNL public television channel (Litus TV) in which three members of Speak4Nature participated: Valeria Berros (UNL), Marianela Galanzino (UNL) and Ramón del Buey Cañas (UAM) talking about socio-environmental conflicts legal innovations taking into account cases of Argentina (Delta del Paraná) and Spain (Mar Menor)
André Gorz and contemporary Frankfurt School Critical Theory: Alienation, eco-socialism and post-productivism
Neal Harris, Javier Zamora Garcia
We argue that Gorz’s work offers a nuanced engagement with alienation that is instructive for contemporary social theory. In keeping with Gorz’s broader politics, we contend that the utility of his framing of alienation derives from his insistence that progressive critique must challenge the ideal of productivism. We start the paper by presenting a sympathetic reconstruction of Gorz’s understanding of alienation. Next, we explicitly detail the strengths his approach carries for furthering sociological research today. We then reinforce this point by arguing that Gorz’s work offers particularly valuable theoretical resources for contemporary Frankfurt School Critical Theory, in which the study of alienation has been somehow hampered by the ascent of ‘recognition theory’. While not sharing all the methodological commitments of first-generation Critical Theorists, Gorz was well versed in Frankfurt School scholarship and is therefore an apposite interlocutor to engage ‘third-generation’ Critical Theory. Gorz’s insights are thus shown to be important for furthering contemporary social theory, and in particular, for helping to combat the unsustainable productivism of neoliberal capitalism.