Ecological Law


Socioenvironmental conflicts

Interview for the program El Paraninfo of the UNL public television channel (Litus TV) in which three members of Speak4Nature participated

Interview for the program El Paraninfo of the UNL public television channel (Litus TV) in which three members of Speak4Nature participated: Valeria Berros (UNL), Marianela Galanzino (UNL) and Ramón del Buey Cañas (UAM) talking about socio-environmental conflicts legal innovations taking into account cases of Argentina (Delta del Paraná) and Spain (Mar Menor)


Camp for ecological justice

University extension project that tries to quantify data on socio-environmental problems and access to justice in small towns in the province of Santa Fe (in this case Arroyo Leyes)

Proyecto de extensión universitaria que trata de cuantificar datos sobre problemas socioambientales y acceso a la justicia en pequeñas localidades de la provincia de Santa Fe (en este caso Arroyo Leyes)