Search Results for: "article"

San José del Rincón, Province of Santa Fe, Argentina (2023) Ph. Nicolás Ferrucci

“Camps for Ecological Justice”: From the University to the Territory

Cintia Giuliana Balaudo, UNL-CONICET – Natalia Ayelén Barrilis, UNL  2024 Public universities in Latin America play a key role in promoting science and…

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Mar Menor, España. Ph. Ramón del Buey Cañas

Rights of Nature: the case of Mar Menor (Spain)

Ramón del Buey Cañas, UAM 2024 Mar Menor is the largest saline Mediterranean lagoon in Europe, with a surface area of 135…

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Stop experimenting on us! Judicial stories of pesticide resistance in Argentina

María Valeria Berros 2024 This paper focuses on two paradigmatic court decisions on pesticide spraying in Argentina’s agricultural zone and offers a…

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Derechos de la Naturaleza en perspectiva socio-jurídica: innovaciones jurídicas

María Valeria Berros 2024 Este artículo parte del creciente reconocimiento de los derechos de la naturaleza, como muestran la proliferación en regulaciones…

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Ambiente, pueblos indígenas y recursos naturales en las constituciones provinciales de Argentina

Berros, María Valeria; Franco, Dabel Leandro; Balaudo, Cintia; Barrilis, Natalia; Battagliotti, Nicolás; Colombo, Rafael; Corti, Gonzalo; Drewanz, Gisela; Gazzo, Virginia; Lassaga, Agustina;…

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Una Corte Suprema con agenda verde

Carolina Piazzi, Cristian Fernández 2024 La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (Argentina) es uno de los altos tribunales a nivel…

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Three (de)constructive readings of the commons

Rodrigo Míguez Núnez 2024 This article analyzes three de-constructive agitations of the traditional premises of property law in light of the commons’…

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Derechos de la naturaleza y bienes comunes naturales: análisis de algunas tensiones conceptuales a la luz del caso chileno

Luis Lloredo Alix 2024 The notion of commons has been reintroduced into the contemporary legal-political vocabulary, but there is much confusion about…

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Transición energética y litio: nuevos “comunes” y otros extractivismos

Digno Jose Montalván Zambrano, Isabel Wences 2024 This paper presents the new forms of extractivism associated with the energy transition discourse formulated…

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You Cannot Have the Cake and Eat It – How to Reconcile Liberal Fundamental Rights with Answers to the Climate Crisis

Eva Julia Lohse, María Valeria Berros 2024 Our Western-style constitutional systems are not only built on 16th to 18th century social contract…

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